Origin Certifications | Green Coffee
Here is a Short List of Typical Coffee Certifications
We DO NOT ROAST Conventionally Produced Coffees.
All of the coffee's we roast are imported into the US under one or more of these type of Certifications.
Smithsonian Bird Friendly Certification
The Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center developed the only 100% organic and shade-grown coffee certification available: Bird Friendly. According to the Smithsonian website, "the seal of approval ensures tropical "agroforests" are preserved and migratory birds find a healthy haven when they travel from your backyard to those faraway farms producing the beans you so enjoy every morning."
Fair Trade Certification
Fair Trade coffee helps support a better life for farming families in the developing world by guaranteeing farmers a minimum price, linking them directly with importers, and creating long-term environmental stewardship and sustainability. According to the Fair Trade website, "farmers earn better incomes, allowing them to hold on to their land and invest in quality."
Utz Certification
Utz is the largest coffee certification program in coffee and cocoa. Utz aims to make sustainable farming the norm by encouraging farmers to implement good agricultural practices and manage their farms profitably with respect for people and planet.
USDA Organic Certification
Being USDA Organic certified means that coffee farmers must use an agriculture system that produces food that supports biodiversity and enhances soil health by using only approved substances and organic farming methods.
Rainforest Alliance Certification
Rainforest Alliance certified coffee helps integrate biodiversity conservation, community development, and the implementation of effective planning and farm management systems to improve the livelihood of farmers and their families in coffee growing regions.